Lasithi Honey Producers’ Cluster

Partner 2: Lasithi Chamber of Commerce and Industry

“Lasithi honey producers’ Cluster”, is formed by local businessmen who represent the production, the processing, or/and trade of honey in Lasithi Prefecture. In order to achieve its purposes- as mentioned below – the cluster is assisted by Lasithi Chamber of Commerce and Industry, as well by research and technology institutes centers at a national and international level.

The purpose of the Cluster, which is represented by its members in the production, processing, and trade of honey products, is the development of each activity that will contribute to:

  • A more accurate estimation of the production and the market of the sector of honey products aiming at its further development
  • The preservation and enhancement of knowledge, the organization of the production, the processing and the trade in the sector of honey products in Crete
  • The sensitization of the public opinion and the institutions as well as the reinforcement of the consumption of the products of the sector of honey products inside and outside Greece
  • The elevation of the financial, social, environmental and cultural importance of those products
  • The elevation of their contribution to the model of the Cretan Diet
  • The promotion, through appropriate cooperation, of their use in Cretan restaurants/taverns and in any type of touristic accommodation that offers catering services to Greek and foreign tourists